I wanted to reach to you and communicate the pleasure I had working with Ken Kendes during my vetting phase of Armonk Wine and Spirits. Even though he represented the seller’s interest, he played both sides of the fence very well while trying to facilitate the deal. He answered all inquiries in a timely fashion, showed true professionalism. During the times that the seller was unable to produce the necessary documents in order for a bank to approve a loan, he would convey the urgency I had with the buyer and was a true buffer in the entire process. He understood at all times where I was coming from. You have a good one in Ken. I wish it would have worked out with Ken and I, but at the end, it was not in my best interest to move forward with the deal. Being in sales for over 15 years myself, it’s rare when a potential client writes to the owner of the company, unsolicited, singing the praises of the representative. I wish it would happen more often, and perhaps in doing this, good karma will come my way. As for you Ken K, you know of my growth plans as time goes on. I hope we will cross paths again one way or another. Should I decide to sell on my new business venture, you will be the first person I will call. To continued success…