Restaurant-Pizzeria with Property in Connecticut
This restaurant has it all; a great atmosphere, a loyal following, sales of $24,000 weekly and $245,000 in yearly earnings for the owners and, you can own the property and be your own landlord. This business is located on a busy road in an upscale area. This is a turn-key opportunity with a full kitchen, pizza ovens and seating for close to 100. All personnel are in place for a smooth transition. The business is doing approximately $1.2 million in sales. A new owner can improve on these results. The current owners do no advertising and are ready for retirement after owning and operating the business for more than 30 years.
If you are seriously interested in owning a profitable business and property with an established history and a loyal following, then your search is over. Please refer to listing number 14337 when inquiring about this opportunity