Auto Repair Shop for Sale Nassau County
This business is a full-service auto repair shop. The business has a loyal customer following. They have been successfully servicing the area as a repair shop for more than 19 years. There is a well-trained and seasoned staff in place and a strong base of business has been established. The owner is a mechanic and is willing to stay on to assist with the training and the business transition. The repair shop processes approximately 130 cars per month and the average Repair Ticket is approximately $270
This business has enormous opportunity for growth. The current owner does not advertise and asserts little effort into pursuing additional business. A new owner could expand the marketing effort for additional revenues. The 2,000 square foot building is the repair center and there is a yard in back for additional parking outside.
This is a turn-key operation and includes 3 lifts, alignment rack, tire machine, diagnostic equipment, New York State Inspection Machine, and additional assets needed to run a successful auto repair shop. Please refer to listing number 14785 when inquiring about this opportunity.